Forestmatic Impact Estimations & Conversions

Updated 23/07/2024


We take transparency very seriously. This is the reason why we want to provide our community with all the necessary tools to understand their impact. Forestmatic provides data on the reforestation impact and associated proxies our clients have contributed to. This document is the basic foundation for all the estimations performed by Forestmatic, to show the most accurate and relevant information to our community.

Depending on the nature of the project, we perform calculations based on IPCC methodology, Verra standards, and T-VER standards.

Tree Planting in Uganda

Kijani Forestry builds relationships with local farmers so that farmer lands become part of the overall planting site. In doing so, we contribute to providing the infrastructure (e.g., tree nurseries), education, and guidance to allow local communities to gain additional skills and income.

Furthermore, Kijani Forestry is championing the production of sustainable charcoal with the local communities. This is done by planting diverse, fast-growing species, that reach maturity between 5 and 8 years. By coppicing the trees when they are ready, and using regenerative techniques like FMNR, additional trees grow from the exiting roots, with an improved biomass capacity of nearly 300%.

Local communities can then farm wood from those trees to produce sustainable charcoal, instead of depleting nearby forests, preserving the existing forests and trees which are hundreds of years old. After the new trees from coppiced roots have grown again for roughly 5 years, the process repeats itself for a second cycle, and over again.

Environmental Impact Estimations

The carbon impact occurs through planting trees and saving trees that would have been cut for charcoal usage, thus reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. This page will summarize the research from one of our primary species, Gmelina arborea.

1.0 - Yearly average CO2 absorbed by 1 tree

The yearly average CO2 absorbed by a tree is not an easy assessment to make. In order to do so, there are different methodologies. The regulated and voluntary carbon market use very specific frameworks in order to operate accurate and comparable analysis.
We operate using the extensive bibliography and research available, thus providing estimations based on the general voluntary market approach. In this context, we estimate that yearly average CO2 absorbed by a tree is:

1.1 - Soil and root permanent sequestration

Roots - Average of 0,98 kg biomass per tree annually
Soil - Average of 1,21 kg biomass per tree annually ~1,7 kg CO2 sequestered per kg of biomass produced
Total - Average of 3,76 kg permanent CO2 sequestration per tree annually

1.2 - Avoided emissions through efficient charcoal

Stems - Average of 9,47 kg per tree annually
Branches - Average of 3,76 kg per tree annually
Total - Average of 13,2 kg biomass per tree per year

1.3 - Carbon impact through improved kiln efficiency

Traditional kilns - 18% yield equalling 5,6 kg wood per kg charcoal
Kijani's kilns - 37% yield equalling 2,7kg wood per kg charcoal 2,9 kg wood saved per kg charcoal.
G. arborea - is 47% carbon. 3,67 kg CO2 is taken from the atmosphere to produce each kg carbon of wood while 2,67 kg of O2 is released.

Subtotal - 4,88 kg CO2 avoided for each kg charcoal made 4,88 kg avoided / 3,47 kg wood = 1,41 kg CO2 saved for each kg wood grown for charcoal

Total - average of 18,9kg CO2 emissions avoided per tree annually

Accounting for a tree’s survival rate of 90% we adjust these totals from the theoretical sequestration, summing up the permanent sequestration and avoided CO2 emissions, we account for an estimated average of 63,3Kg of CO2e for every tree we plant, over a 5-year period. We account on average for 6 Kg of CO2 per year, during the first 3 years, and 22,65 Kg of CO2e for year 4 and year 5.

Total CO2e - 63,3 kg of CO2e

Period - 5 years

Attribution - Incremental: 6 KgCO2e/Year for first 3 years; 22,65 KgCO2e/Year for the next 2 years.

Sources studied and considered: source 1, source 2.

Tree Planting in Thailand

Our partners at Conserve Natural Forests advocate a science-based holistic approach to forest landscape restoration for permanence by employing a range of restoration strategies tailored to site characteristics, degradation level, disturbance regime, and the needs of the communities who stand to benefit the most from forest restoration.

Removing barriers to natural regeneration includes reducing competition through weeding, mulching, and planting fast-growing species with wide crowns and large leaves to shade out herbaceous grasses and weeds. Strategies to reduce disturbances include protection from livestock grazing and establishing fire breaks to minimize risk during the annual burning season. The objective is to implement multiple regenerative pathways by attracting seed dispersers with fruits, nectars, and shelter structures like bird perches, as well as selecting sites within 5km of natural forest to enhance seed rain and dispersal.

This is done using the Framework Species Method, an accelerated forest restoration technique involving a mixture of different species (20 to 30) with functional traits to promote vertically and horizontally complex, self-regulating, healthy regeneration. The target planting density, based on the balance between competition and facilitation during growth, is 3100 trees per hectare.

Environmental Impact Estimations

Our ecosystem restoration projects in Thailand are promoted on public land with governmental cooperation and community-based approaches, thus following specific local regulations from T-VER, the Thai public program for greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

Our methodology considers sampled direct measurements providing averages based on field conditions and classified by “Fast Growing Species”, “Medium-Growing Species”, and “Slow-Growing Species” to obtain records on

1. Height

2. Diameter at Breath Height

3. Biomass

With these records, we are able to use allometric equations to establish the carbon stored on average in 1 hectare, where 3100 trees are planted, following FORRU, Thai Forest Department, and T-Ver indications.

Carbon (kgCO2e) = Project area x Biomass of the tree (kg/ha) x Carbon ratio x Molar mass of carbon dioxide per carbon

The results indicate an average estimate of 135,34 KgCO2e sequestered, in a 20-year period, with linear attribution, for every tree planted.

Total CO2e - 135,34 kg of CO2e

Period - 20 years

Attribution - Linear – 6,76 KgCO2e/Year

Sources studied and considered: source 1, source 2, source 3.

Tree Planting in Peru

Camino Verde advocates to restore the Amazon within our lifetime. With over 400 native tree species planted to date, these reforestation centers and tree nurseries form a one-of-a-kind Living Seed Bank of Amazonian biodiversity. Implementing regenerative agroforestry systems made up of diverse native trees, including endangered keystone species, currently, 663 plant species have been planted in these sites. Together with Amazonian farmers and native communities, we are building regenerative supply chains sourced from reforested trees of endangered species. From these reforested trees, non-timber forest products, including high-value essential oils from rosewood and moena alcanfór are produced and distributed.

This is done using regenerative techniques like FMNR, to stimulate active restoration with natural regeneration in complex ecosystems. The target planting density, based on the balance between competition and facilitation during growth, is 4000 trees per hectare.

Environmental Impact Estimations

Our Peruvian projects are promoted community-based approaches, regenerative farming, and ecosystem restoration techniques. While our partners are currently performing an assessment with on-field data and direct measurements to establish a record supporting these calculations, in the meantime we are adopting the generally established methodology of IPCC in Forest Land, and the extensive bibliography about carbon stocked in tropical forests.

Plantations of tropical broadleaf trees are estimated to contain an average of 150 tons of above-ground dry matter per hectare, increasing an additional 15 tons per year, for every hectare. The ratio of underground biomass to above-ground biomass in tropical forests is established at 0,37, with a ratio of 0,47 tons of carbon per ton of dry matter in tropical forests.

Using IPCC allometric equations, we are then able to establish an average estimate of 72,44KgCO2e sequestered over a 20-year period, with linear attribution, for every tree planted.

Total CO2e - 72,44 KgCO2e

Period - 20 years

Attribution - Linear – 3,622 KgCO2e/Year

Sources studied and considered: source 1, source 2.

Contact US

If you have any questions about our impact estimations and conversions, please contact us by email: [email protected].